How Long to Cook Cinnamon Rolls in Air Fryer A Quick and Easy Guide 2024

How Long to Cook Cinnamon Rolls in Air Fryer: A Quick and Easy Guide 2024

How Long to Cook Cinnamon Rolls in Air Fryer: The kitchen is the heart of every home, and innovation in cooking appliances has always been welcomed with open arms. One such innovation is the air fryer. In this article, we’ll unravel the mystery behind the growing popularity of air fryers and why they are changing the way we cook.

Cook cinnamon rolls are a classic favorite for satisfying our sweet tooth or indulging in a delightful breakfast treat. The warm, gooey, and aromatic swirls of cinnamon and sugar, enveloped in soft dough, are a comfort food that always goes in style. But have you ever considered taking your cinnamon roll experience to the next level?

How Long to Cook Cinnamon Rolls in Air Fryer?

In an Air fryer:

In an air fryer, the cooking time for Pillsbury cinnamon rolls is typically shorter, around 8-12 minutes at 350°F (175°C). However, it’s crucial to monitor them to prevent overcooking.

In A Conventional Oven:

Preheat your oven to (175°C) that’s 350°F. Bake the cinnamon rolls for up to 20 minutes or until golden brown. This is the traditional method for baking Pillsbury cinnamon rolls. An oven-fresh cinnamon roll delights with its warm, gooey center and perfectly golden exterior.

Read more: Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls Air Fryer recipe: A Quick and Easy Treat in 2023

Benefits of Using an Air Fryer

Reduced Oil Usage:

Air frying significantly reduces the oil needed for cooking. Traditional frying methods submerge food in hot oil, producing high calorie and unhealthy fat intake. In contrast, air frying requires only a light oil coating or none, making it a healthier choice by cutting down on excessive oil and calories.

Lower Fat Content:

Traditional frying can make food excessively greasy due to the absorption of large amounts of oil. Air frying, however, uses hot air to crisp up food, providing the same texture without needing extra oil. This lowers the fat content in air-fried dishes, making them a better option for reducing their fat intake.

Fewer Harmful Compounds:

Traditional deep frying can lead to the formation of harmful compounds like acrylamide, which has been linked to cancer. With its lower cooking temperatures and convection cooking method, air frying significantly reduces the risk of these harmful compounds forming, making air-fried foods safer for consumption.

Preserves Nutrients:

Air frying is gentler on food’s nutritional content than traditional frying. Deep frying can cause the loss of essential vitamins and minerals due to prolonged exposure to high heat and oil. Air frying’s shorter cooking times and lower temperatures help retain more nutrients, ensuring your meals are delicious and healthier.

Preparing Cinnamon Rolls for Air Frying

  • To make delectable cinnamon rolls in an air fryer, you’ll need the following ingredients:
  • One pound (about 450g) of pre-made cinnamon roll dough: You can use brand or homemade dough.
  • Cooking spray or a light oil coating: For greasing the air fryer basket and preventing sticking.
  • Cinnamon sugar filling: A mixture of ground cinnamon, sugar, and melted butter.
  • Cream cheese frosting: Prepare your preferred cream cheese frosting or use the one with the cinnamon roll dough.

Read more: The Best Ninja Air Fryer on the Market in 2023

Rolling and Cutting the Cinnamon Rolls

Prepare the Dough:

Roll out the pre-made cinnamon roll dough into a rectangular body on a lightly floured cover. Make sure it’s approximately 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick.

Add the Filling:

Brush the surface of the dough with dissolved butter, exiting a little border around the edges.

Roll It Up:

Starting from one end, tightly roll the dough into a log. This will create that classic cinnamon roll swirl.

Cut into Rolls:

Utilizing a harsh knife or dental floss, cut the rolled dough into individual rolls. Aim for rolls about 1 to 1.5 inches wide for best results.

Recommended Prepping Tips

Room Temperature Dough:

If you’re using store-bought dough, allow it to come to room temperature before rolling it out. This makes it more pliable and easier to work with.

Proper Greasing:

Grease the air fryer basket or tray with cooking spray or a light oil coating to prevent the cinnamon rolls from sticking during cooking.


Place the cinnamon rolls in the air fryer basket with space between them to allow for even cooking. Avoid overcrowding, which can result in uneven results.


Preheat your air fryer before adding the rolls for more consistent and efficient cooking. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for preheating times.

Adjust Cooking Time:

Keep a close eye on the cinnamon rolls during cooking and adjust the time as needed. Air fryers can vary, so it’s essential to ensure that the rolls are cooked to perfection.

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